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Deb Morrow's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Deb Morrow refused to tell citizens where she stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2012 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2012.

  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall Post Comment. 17 February 2012."Instead of focusing on how to improve behavior of others whose lifestyles you find unseemly, think how the current national agenda can affect you personally. Do you want your wife denied a life-saving procedure because it's against the conscience of a hospital employee? Do you want your daughter told to hold an aspirin between her knees to handle family planning? For years, Democrats have warned about infringement on women's rights, while Republicans reduce it to one emotional and false claim, that we supposedly favor abortions." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall Post Comment. 17 February 2012. "Instead of focusing on how to improve behavior of others whose lifestyles you find unseemly, think how the current national agenda can affect you personally. Do you want your wife denied a life-saving procedure because it's against the conscience of a hospital employee? Do you want your daughter told to hold an aspirin between her knees to handle family planning? For years, Democrats have warned about infringement on women's rights, while Republicans reduce it to one emotional and false claim, that we supposedly favor abortions." (
  • Deb Morrow. 25 June 2012. "THEIR moral code, e.g. if a woman is bleeding to death and the only way to save her is to abort her pregnancy. [¦] 'Religious freedom' somehow trumps the Hippocratic Oath?" (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Timeline. 26 September 2012. "Todd Akin of 'legitimate rape' fame is now getting support from Senator Jim DeMint who is putting politics first and women last. Tweet at him and write on his Facebook page to let the Senator know that neither women nor men will put up with his War on Women." (
  • Deb Morrow. Video: Deb Morrow- Abortion Question. 21 February 2012. "I hope we would never have another abortion in this country, but, that being said, I am very upset with this current climate of seeing that women can be denied a life saving procedure because of the conscience beliefs of a medical worker." (
  • Deb Morrow. 25 June 2012. "THEIR moral code, e.g. if a woman is bleeding to death and the only way to save her is to abort her pregnancy. [¦] "Religious freedom" somehow trumps the Hippocratic Oath?" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Timeline. 10 October 2012. "Repubs say we're broke because of social programs, & teachers, factory workers earning too much. Meanwhile we're hemorrhaging money (as well as blood) into war while they pledge no new taxes, tax CUTS for the wealthiest, tell ordinary citizens to lower our standard of living, & prepare to voucher-ize, privatize & cut care our veterans & seniors have EARNED. Wrong for them & wrong for all of us." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall. 3 August 2012. "Instead, I would push policies that reduces income inequality by putting more funding into higher education, fixing our crumbling roads and bridges, and making the wealthy pay their fair share of the tax burden." (
  • Deb Morrow. Video: Get Corporate Money Out of Politics! -- Deb Morrow for Congress. 10 January 12. "Trickle down economics was disproven a long time ago and we're still being told those same lies that it's good for us and we just have to look around and see with our own eyes and ears what's happening and we have to stop this." (
  • Deb Marrow. Video: Deb Morrow -- Incentives to industry. 21 February 2012. "Definitely I think you have to make it worth companies' while to do business here. You know I don't think any of us think that you know, the most rich and powerful people, those are not people here in Spartanburg. They're not people here in South Carolina that we're against. I am very much in favor of small business, genuine small business and genuine big business you know doing well [¦] Genuine people and small business have to be getting the incentives." (
  • Deb Marrow. Facebook: Timeline. 7 September 2012. "I agree with Republicans. The Jobs Report that came out on Friday was terrible. But Republicans also blocked the American Jobs Act, a bill that would create over a million jobs and would have lowered our unemployment rate. It's time for Trey Gowdy to start passing real jobs bills for our district instead of obstructing the President for political gain." (
  • Shawn Drury. Taylors- Wade Hampton Patch: Deb Morrow Seeks Democratic Nod for Congress. 16 February 2012. "We need to educate our workforce rather than give tax breaks to corporations who bring low-paying jobs to our state." (
  • Deb Marrow. Video: Deb Morrow -- Incentives to industry. 21 February 2012. "Definitely I think you have to make it worth companies' while to do business here. You know I don't think any of us think that you know, the most rich and powerful people, those are not people here in Spartanburg. They're not people here in South Carolina that we're against. I am very much in favor of small business, genuine small business and genuine big business you know doing well. [¦] Genuine people and small business have to be getting the incentives." (
  • Deb Marrow. Equality & Education. 13 January 2012. "Education has to be the biggest priority for our children [¦] this is the great equalizer." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall. 19 February 2012. "Trey Gowdy voted to nearly triple US offshore drilling, use part of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWAR) & federal land in Colorado, UT & Wyoming, the Everglades, the Great Lakes ... approve the XL pipeline ... AGAINST providing for oil spill clean-up, and AGAINST using oil & gas extracted in the US! Yes, he voted FOR all this harm to the environment but AGAINST using the products to decrease our dependence on foreign oil, which Repubs always claim is the point." (
  • Deb Morrow Issue Position: Regulations. 1 January 2012. "I stand for regulations that protect the environment and consumers, not 'anything goes' for profit." (
  • Deb Morrow. Issue Position: Environment. 1 January 2012. "I will take Environmental Policies seriously. I believe that the air we breathe and the water we drink must remain a top priority for a safe and healthy society. I will be a leader, and speak out when our waterways or air quality are compromised. I respect the beauty of our earth, the pristine rivers and streams, the majestic mountains, and the bountiful oceans, and will work to protect and preserve them for those who follow us. I believe that by addressing climate change we can benefit in ways unknown. By furthering research and development in clean, renewable energy, and updating the energy grid, new manufacturing jobs will come. I will work to protect and preserve the National Forest System. I will stand for the Roadless Area Conservation Act, which prohibits road construction and logging in portions of the National Forests that are unspoiled." (
  • Deb Morrow. Video: Deb Morrow -- What are your views on gun control?. 21 February 2012. "We were trying to make adults be more responsible and careful in the storage and how they handle guns, keeping them out of kids hands, and the other part of that was to develop volunteer work with children to keep them out of trouble. [¦] We must do something to keep guns out of children's hands." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall. 1 August 2012. "I strongly support ObamaCare, women's access to birth-control, and other benefits provided by this bill. Please join me in celebrating this momentous day." (
  • Deb Morrow. Video: Deb Morrow -- What opinions do you have on illegal immigration? 21 February 2012. "We have got to have some kind of path to citizenship and some kind of path to being able to work legally." (
  • Deb Morrow. Twitter: @debmorrow. 15 June 2012. "Glad re: Pres Obama's exec order protecting 'dreamers' from deportation. Need longterm solution but this is positive step." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall. 1 August 2012. "I support the President's recent decision not to deport 800,000 students. But it's still not enough. If I am elected to serve in Washington, I will vote in favor of the DREAM Act, which grants conditional permanent residency status to children brought here illegally by their parents. It gives immigrants, especially Hispanic students, a chance to go to college and become strong contributors to our society. And most importantly for the tax-payer, the DREAM Act saves us money." (
  • Deb Morrow. Facebook: Wall. 2 August 2012. "Tomorrow, same-sex couples will kiss in front of Chick-Fil-A to protest the chain's stance against same-sex marriage. I stand with our LGBT community in full support of those protesting Chick-Fil-A's position. If elected to serve in Washington, I will fight to gain marriage equality for ALL Americans." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Deb Morrow. Issue Position: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. 1 January 2012. "I'm for preserving our Social Safety Nets like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, not austerity cuts for those in need while the wealthiest continue to get 'breaks'." (

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